Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tom Raworth Poetry Links

Wednesday, October 24th at 7 pm - The Jacobson House 
The Mark Allen Everett Poetry Series is thrilled to have Tom Raworth do a poetry reading this fall. He was scheduled to come to a reading in fall 2011, but he became ill and was not able to come. I know there was some disappointment amongst his fans, but we are honored he has decided to come this fall!

Tom Raworth was born in London in 1938. Since leaving school at 16 he has worked; occasionally taught; printed and published poetry by others in both magazines and books; lived in England, the United States and Mexico; had more than 40 books of his own (poetry and prose) published; been translated into many languages; exhibited his graphic work worldwide; collaborated with musicians, visual artists and other writers; and has given readings in more than twenty countries (most recently China and Mexico). Carcanet published his Collected Poems in 2003, and plan a Selected Poems for his 75th birthday next year. He wonders where it all went wrong and what he'll do when he grows up.


Visual Works


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